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CryptoConvert v4.08 Release Notes

CryptoConvert Pro
CryptoConvert Pro

CryptoConvert v4.08 Release Notes


The newest release for CryptoConvert is LIVE on Google Play!



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CryptoConvert’s v4.08 release is live on Google Play. The most recent updates since 4.05 have been relatively minor so I’ve consolidated them all into one single release notes post.


1. New Setting – Default App Mode

CryptoConvert Pro now gives you the ability to set a default mode that the app will open to from a fresh launch. Previously the app would always open to the calculator mode (the original feature of the app), but now you have other options like setting the default to the Portfolio, Movers & Shakers, Currency Catalog, etc.





















2. Redesigned Movers & Shakers

The previous implementation of the Movers & Shakers page didn’t have good usability because the winners / losers were both displayed on the same page – which meant there was far less screen real estate to show items in each list, so it wasn’t very easy to scroll through and analyze the data.

The new implementation of the Movers & Shakers page splits the two lists into tabs so they can take up the full height of the screen (rather than having to share). Another benefit of this is it greatly increases the loading performance of this screen, because it has to do half the work to run all the database queries now that it’s done in each tab (these queries have also been optimized to run even faster). There used to be a small hiccup when this screen would load due to this, which has since been resolved.





















3. Misc. Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • Adding a “previous price” column to the extended currency information screen to better demonstrate price history across time
  • De-prioritized “stale” or Rank = 0 cryptocurrencies from appearing near the top of numerical sorts. These coins either do not have reliable price history or there isn’t any recent price data on them at all, so they’ve been de-prioritized from numerical sorts to clear space for legitimate projects.
  • Fixed a portfolio crash when a 1d historical price node is missing (can happen for cryptocurrencies that don’t update price history as frequently as common coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum)


Lastly, where is the app going from here?


Here are some of the future components we want to bring to CryptoConvert within the next few major updates:

  1. News – A section to catch up on any latest cryptocurrency news for coins you want to follow
  2. Another highly requested feature has been price graphs, which would also be ideal to add within the next few updates.
  3. Home screen widgets, price notifications – more on this coming soon!



As always, if you have any feedback for the app or ideas on things we could be doing better, please tell us what you think. A lot of amazing feature ideas have come straight from user feedback (either from email or via App Store review), so we are always eager to receive more.